Monday, October 27, 2008


Recognizing computer network
What that computer network?
Computer network is corps from some computer, good of big scale and also small scale computer network, small scale network which usually in using at home and also office, while intercity big scale network and also provinsi, or twinning network ( internasional) like is intercontinental. Where computer-computer each other incircuit and organization between computer which is one with other that is among server computer ( as its mains), with client computer ( as its child). In everyday life of network can be illustrated with an group or bevy which is interaction or is communicating each other between subordinate and leader ( its staff).

Network Type consist of 2 type that is
Jaringan client-server
Server that is computer providing facility to other computer, while client that is other computer which accept or use facility provided by server

  • Speed access higherly
  • Security System and better network administration
  • System back up better data.
  • Costlier operating expenses
  • Is required one capable special computer more to be assigned as server
  • Very depend on server, because if server of problem or trouble, hence as a whole network will annoyed

Network Peer To Peer
Term non-dedicated server ace network peer to peer Type, note do which server is that only sharing server pure ace, workstation personate also but.

  • Computer in network earn is sharing each other owned facility it: harddisk, drive,fax/modem, printer
  • Cheap operating expenses definitely more.
  • Continuity of its activity do not base on server, because if one of the damage or dead computer. Hence network as a whole will not experience of damage
  • Troubleshooting, network more is difficult compared to client-server network, because at peer-to-peer type network each;every conducive computer to got mixed up with existing communications. At communications server client network only between station work and server.
  • For compared to lower activity of server client network.
  • Security network System determined by each user, by arranging each security which owned.

At full speed of technological information system growth and communications this time, start from IC chip component creation ( circuit integret), invention of equipments of electronic to technological growth of computer, hence created by various computer. Along with information and techenology and the communications, finally everybody claim and wish to join the above mentioned concept, to be data communications from an place to other place can be accessed ( is communicating each other) with a purpose to can cost effective, data access and usage of quicker time. The Computer can interact and each other converting information by developing network.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Yours Soybean cake about seldom ordinary computer of you use?
Computer which we recognize in is contemporary, have passed various development, and also have very long history sheet. Computer sill in line with mathematics science development. Without clear mathematics of computer will not emerge because without mathematics, human being will never recognize number and also calculation.
Ancient human being have recognized also technique calculate, but still is limited of number 20 namely as according to human being fingers. Growth adding machine alone felt reality after finding of itself adding machine.
From description of its history of computer, marginally can be made by the division of computer to follow the sequence generation:

1. First Generation
First Generation Computer, started by since its him MARK I in University Harward ( 1944-1945). Found Numerator machine is at that moment called by ENIAC ( Electronic Numerical Integrator calculator and) woke up by mauchly professor and Eckert professor from Moore School Electrical Engineering of. This Machine can having compared to higher level speed it of MARK machine I. Later;Then in the year this 1950 machine is re-developed its smaller size measure, but its compared to bigger ability of ENIAC

2. Second Generation
Second generation Computer, is made by computer between year 1959-1965. At this generation put into use transistor, what is smaller technically, but its of compared to higher of vacuous tube which used by first generation computer

Is compared to first generation computer, second generation computer have excess, for example
• Fomat smaller
• Speed of Excelsior
• Recall more and more.
• Software more and more.

3. Third Generation
Computer which including third generation, is made by machine is start 1965 hitherto. This Computer have that way go forward so that various weakness from second generation have been overcome, even generation computer of is three have earned to be used for the multiprogramming of and also prosesing data multi. This progress progressively excitement, in line with its it Integret Circuit in electronics area, so that computer become machine calculate its by[all machine maker pioneer a period of previouslya