Sunday, November 30, 2008


Protocol that is a order which must adhere by two or more station ( between machine) that is data terminal or computer / information / file, delivery of message which must receiver and transmitter of so that happened communications relation can walk better and correctness.

Existence of protocol of vital importance, that is to control system, complex progressively protocol, price excelsior will its, but will progressively economize usage of expense, band and equipments of other supporter

kinds of protocol
Is seen from way of its frame, can protocol differentiated to become 4 especial group:
  • Protocol which orienting to character using special characters to differentiate segment-segment frame different information.
  • Byte Protocol, count use header contain count field which is character count showing to come and character count which have been accepted without mistake.
  • Protocol which orienting biit that is every frame lapped over to the an located field between flag early and is final. Every bit at each field except information field encoded with address beet, conduct count and inspection of mistake in network of byte.
  • Protocol SDH ( digital synchronous hierrarchy) and ATM ( asynchronus transfer mode) supple standard facility to do data communications and voice. Divisible become 3 level that is : infra office with maximal reach 2 km, office inter with reach between 2 km-15km, haul long with reach above 15 km.

Monday, November 17, 2008


topology is connective procedure between computer so that computer which is one with other computer earn otherly
communicating and forming an network. topology which most commonly and used by many is bus, ring token and star, where from each this topology have insuffiency and excess. network topology can be differentiated to become two, that is physical topology and logik topology.

topology, that is network related to physical formation all computer network, good of client and also server there is 6 kinds of network arsistektur or topology physically for example as follows.

  • BUS topology
bus topology that is topology which all its terminal each other incircuit to a bus of data communications taken data or information pass as long as band or pass all workstation. this topology often weared for the area of local, to many dot and for short distance

  • star topology
star topology that is topology which is the each terminal in network interfaced to center dot ( server) using band and and all extension between terminal have to be continued to pass server. server act as controller and regulator all data communications that happened.

  • dot topology to dot
dot topology to dot every node or its of direct connective ya of antarterminal, and network system a kind of this do not depend on such even also

  • ring topology
ring topology that is all connective server terminal, is so that formed by an radian pattern loo like a ring every server nor terminal of meneriman or pass from one computer to other computer. if address gone to according to, hence information accepted. if information do not will be passed.

  • linear topology of bus
linear topology [of] bus that is topology which is arsistektur loo like with branch or a tree, sent data from an terminal to other terminal will through inspection of open band. if band have been accepted, hence data the will be accepted, and other terminal deliver data concurrently hence will experience of to collide head-on hereinafter have to arrange free band before delivering of data repeat

  • hierarki topology
hierarki topology that is topology which dimiciling its terminal will be more be high master existing terminal under nya, so that this topology base on terminal which dimiciling is highest

Monday, November 10, 2008

requirement of component of hardware equipments and to develop cable network.

to develop build network of LAN required by some conducive elementary element between computer earn is communicating each other. Elementary element cover peripheral of computer like : workstation server, card interface network ( NIC) and cable, while component of software cover : network operating system, driver adapter network, and network protocol.

1. server
Computer type taken as as server have to have the specification of nicer than computer of workstation, because server will determine activity of network. Computer with high activity will be able to send and data access in network swiftly. Server have to have stability in working, because server undertake to provide facility and manage network operational work computer of workstation. computer of Server like : generation of pentium 4 or above him that is XEON, or Itanium 2.

server can be differentiated to become two kinds of that is:
  • server dedicated, that is server which only functioning special as center ( central) controller of network.
  • Non dedicated, that is komouter which besides can function as server also as clien.
specification of hardware for server
  • generation of pentium 4 or above him that is XEON, or Itanium 2.
  • RAM 256 Mb, 512 Mb suggested by above him take example 1 minimum Gb Harddisk 80 Gb or of him
types of server that is
  • disk of server
  • server printer
  • file of server
  • terminal of server.

2. workstation/ client

all computer weared by using network and its arrangement is focused by at server as controller.

specification of hardware for client
  • minimize pentium 3 ( better above him)
  • RAM 128 Mb ( better bigger)
  • Minimum harddisk 10 Gb ( better bigger)

3. Card LAN or of NIC.
so that network system incircuit between server with workstation, hence have to provide with network card or so-called with NIC. As according to bus type, there are some type of NIC, that is ISA,PCI, and EISA

4. cable ( communications media)
in developing a network, becoming constraint in problems is related to election of cable type to be used. Cable represent requirement of very fundamental to develop a network. Problem of related to cable do not only its just type, but which must be paid attention istance and its its his. easy and common/public cable is way of its installation is cable type of coaxial. But, along with growth of other equipments like HUB, hence cable of UTP start used many, because cable of UTP besides its cheaper price, and its its facet even also can be pledged. very popular other Cable type is cable type of F/O (optic fiber) having ability of speed of very high data transfer, but this cable type still pertained is costly. So that its accumulator boundary only to just big offices and company. Become principle election of cable through consideration of and distance of antarterminal, topology type, and expense.

5. RJ 45 (regertered jack 45)

6. Component and of software to develop a network

requirement of software to develop network can come from software output of and window of linux, good base on text and also base on window.
types of software required for network among others :
  • window NT
  • window server 2002
  • window server 2003
  • redhat
  • mandrake
  • SuSe
  • caldera
  • debian
  • slackware
  • SQL server

Monday, November 3, 2008

Kinds of Network.

ursuant to wide scope of working area geographically, computer network can be differentiated into some kinds of among others as follows.

1.LAN ( Local Area Network)
LAN that is a[n network system where each;every computer or hardware and software used so that earning is communicating each other in certain [job/activity] area by using [is] same program and data, also have speed of[is transfer of quicker data. LAN have maximal reach 100 metre.LAN formed caused by supporter component that is cable, And network card RJ45.

Amenity use LAN
  • Data Sharing that is usage of resource with, printer case, modem, facsimile, and others
  • Program Sharing that is accumulator with data bases and program
  • Internet Sharing or intranet that is usage of broader network computer, either in office, international world and building
  • quicker Data information
  • Data distribution Prose
Type technological of LAN
  • its Reach 100 speed metre Ethernet 100 / 10 Mbps applying of young yan.
  • technological Lino 300 14 mbps metre Power of This LAN can use power cable which have there is. have been equiped by enkripsi 56 DES beet, and his excess of this is network technology very cheap.
  • Wi-Fi ( 802.11b) reach from this technology reach 30 metre , and speed if when using this network technology 11/ 5.5 Mbps.
  • Wi-Fi5(802.11A) reach from technological usage of this network only 15-20 metre, its speed 54 / 22 mbps. Technological of this network consist of 8 canal, while bandwidth which in earning very big.
  • Reach Bluetooth if/when using this network technology only 9-20 metre, its of lower nya even also compared to other network technology only 1 Mbps / 300 Kbps, technological of this network integrated at PDA or ponsel.
Difference of Network LAN have cable to with LAN nirkabel network
conventional Network LAN with LAN nircabel network basically is same, just only is of connection method and component or peripheral in its of different nya.
Elementary difference which is very between LAN konversional network with LAN nirkabel network that is at usage of extension and cable in LAN itself development.
Excess use LAN nirkabel network very conducive access to workstation which do not have Ethernet card and very easy its development of using cable. Difference apart its reach for the network of LAN konversional as far as 50 metre, while for the network of area niekabel or reach energy between workstation by using relative point access farther

2. WAN (Wide Area Network)
WAN that is network technique having intercontinental activity area, by passing geographical boundary of public And property state.

3. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
MAN that is network having area work office region one town, building, factory, campus, and head office in its reach area. There by, MAN have geographical reach broadly between 10 kilometre up to 50 kilometre.

4 . INTERNET (Interconnection Networking)
Internet that is computer network globally able to be accessed to whole world, and can yield all infomasi.
5 WIRELES (Tanpa Kabel)
Wrireles that is network without cable using radio technology ( frekuensi) or recognized with WLAN (WIRELESS network area local term) or referred as also with Wifi term