Tuesday, May 6, 2008




Computer are machienes that handle information automatically. They

can perform calculations and proces data. Computers can wprk with

member to solve problems in a few seconds. Computers can remember

a gret deal if infomation and make practically no mistakes. That is

why computer are widely used in places such as bank, office and


Computer work likes calculators, but calculators can do only one

thint at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons.

To do the same wook, wecan give a series of instrustions a computer.

We call this computer program. If we set up a program, the computerscan

provide other information, such as list, member, letters, words or even

graphs of picture. once we provide a program, the computers can do all

this handles number. The number may be mathematical formulas or coloumns

or figures. The number may also be codes that stand for letters of the

alphabet, word of intructions to the computer.

    All computers have there basic parts:

  1. Input and output unit (I/O). The input unit takesin informations,
    and the output unit gis the result.

  2. A central processing unit (CPU). this unit does the work of computing

  3. A memory. It store or remember the information and intructions that the CPU needs
    to do the work

The I/O make it possible for people to communicate with computers.

They are several kinds if I/O. One of them is a video terminal. The video

terminal has a typewriter-like keyboard and a screen like a television screen.

we can see the output of the computer on the sreen.

If we need a permanent record of a computers output, a printer will

make it. And if the computers main memory cannot hold enough

information, magnetic disk or tapes can be used for this purpose. The

computer then can turn the information stored on the disks or type into

member or letters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

test.. kumaha aink weh....