Sunday, November 30, 2008


Protocol that is a order which must adhere by two or more station ( between machine) that is data terminal or computer / information / file, delivery of message which must receiver and transmitter of so that happened communications relation can walk better and correctness.

Existence of protocol of vital importance, that is to control system, complex progressively protocol, price excelsior will its, but will progressively economize usage of expense, band and equipments of other supporter

kinds of protocol
Is seen from way of its frame, can protocol differentiated to become 4 especial group:
  • Protocol which orienting to character using special characters to differentiate segment-segment frame different information.
  • Byte Protocol, count use header contain count field which is character count showing to come and character count which have been accepted without mistake.
  • Protocol which orienting biit that is every frame lapped over to the an located field between flag early and is final. Every bit at each field except information field encoded with address beet, conduct count and inspection of mistake in network of byte.
  • Protocol SDH ( digital synchronous hierrarchy) and ATM ( asynchronus transfer mode) supple standard facility to do data communications and voice. Divisible become 3 level that is : infra office with maximal reach 2 km, office inter with reach between 2 km-15km, haul long with reach above 15 km.

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